Think You Know Seattle? Find out with this Fun and Interesting Quiz!

Think You Know Seattle? Find out with this Fun and Interesting Quiz!

About This Quiz

When you close your eyes and think of Seattle, what are the first things that come to mind? Rainy weather and plaid? Is it hipster-looking people drinking over-priced coffee? Or how about folks playing guitar on the corner asking for spare change? Although Seattle is an extremely popular place, it seems to be defined by a few stereotypes and viewpoints, when it really is so much more. It has a complex and rich culture that is heavily focused on the arts, as well as new-age ideology and an overall positive sense of community. If you’ve ever been there, you know all of this. If you are planning on visiting the city someday, maybe your views will forever be changed when you get there. Either way, Seattle is a place with a lot of character and history. If you think you’re up to it, take this quiz about Seattle and find out just how much you know about this west coast city.

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Matt Howell

Matt Howell

Matt is a print and broadcast-journalism graduate and natural storyteller with over nine years of writing experience. Matt is a writer for Creative Campbellville and his work has been featured in various magazines, newspapers and online communications across North America.

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