Hey Usain Bolt, don't you dare dab in our country! Things Not to Do in Saudi Arabia!

Hey Usain Bolt, don't you dare dab in our country!  Things Not to Do in Saudi Arabia!

About This Quiz

Saudi Arabia brings up unpleasant memories for me. It has nothing to do with the government or the culture. Sadly, a good friend of mine died in a plane crash there in 1991. Saudi Arabia is a complicated nation for many westerners to understand. In September of 2022, the nation launched a campaign to hopefully attract 100 million tourists a year by 2030. Will you be one of them?Hopefully, this quiz will teach you some important information you will need to know if you ever decide to visit there.

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Dave Morrissey

Dave Morrissey

Dave was an accomplished economics instructor in the prestigious International Baccalaureate program for over 2 decades. He is currently a scout, recruiter, coach, and social media creator for a university football team who loves live music, jet skiing, and international travel.

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